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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: Computing literacy

Articles & Features

SECTION: Features

"View source"

View source code is a statement about open access to knowledge. Even though you are not able to modify it, or even understand code, it is an invitation to learn and the key for balancing control and power among users and developers. In this article, we explore the potential of software to enable new practices and transform old ones.

By Lila Pagola, July 2020

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The Hour of Code: An initiative to break the barriers of coding


The Hour of Code: An initiative to break the barriers of coding

By Anshuman Majumdar, April 2018

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SECTION: Features

Leveraging personal experience for academic research and outreach

Use your individuality to build your career path whether it leans toward academia, outreach, or both. The existing underlying threads between your experiences and the pursuit of research problems might surprise you.

By Joslenne Peña, December 2017

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Meeting point: the computer lab


Meeting point: the computer lab

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany

By Johanna Schacht, June 2016

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Opinion: why are people afraid of computers?

By Scott Ramsey MacDonald, November 1995

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