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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: Crowdsourcing

Articles & Features

Identity: the killer app of crowdfunded open hardware

SECTION: Features

Identity: the killer app of crowdfunded open hardware

In the next 20 years, the notion of a secure, verifiable identity will drive the adoption of crowdfunded open hardware.

By Joshua Lifton, June 2017

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The context of on-demand work

SECTION: Features: On demand labor

The context of on-demand work

Two years of ethnographic fieldwork, in the U.S. and India, together with rich quantitative data, shine light on the world of on-demand work invisible to many of us, yet core to the functioning of the Internet and the future of automation.

By Niloufar Salehi, December 2016

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The hidden faces of automation

The hidden faces of automation

As we dream of automation, we always need people to calibrate and train what we automate. Automation has hidden human faces.

By Lilly Irani, December 2016

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