Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students

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Magazine: Letter from the editor
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Two and a half years, 37 conference calls, and 5,452 emails—this was the raw material of my tenure at XRDS. However, as I reflect on the experience of being editor-in-chief, I think not of the time spent or emails sent, but of the people I've worked with. Forging cohesive and compelling issues required the talents of more than 30 people. Not only have I learned a great deal from them, but I also consider many to be close friends. This makes my departure bittersweet. However, the future of XRDS is bright, having matured from an eclectic student journal to a premier student-oriented computer science magazine. The best is yet to come!

By the time you read this, I should have proposed my dissertation research and be hard at work wrapping up my Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University. Not only is my time becoming scarcer, but with eight issues behind us since the relaunch, I also feel it is time for a fresh face at the helm of XRDS. Like the field of computer science, this magazine needs new perspectives, directions, contacts, and backgrounds to continue to be relevant and engaging. Otherwise we run the risk of losing contact with ACM's most important members—students.

Although professionals and academics are the lifeblood of our field, students are the future. XRDS is a significant investment in that future. I'm grateful to ACM for giving us incredible backing to relaunch and reimagine what a student publication should be. I'm extremely proud of what we've accomplished and look forward to where the next editor-in-chief takes XRDS.

The obligatory "thank you's" are no easy task given the scores of people I've interacted with over the past 30 months. Foremost is the volunteer XRDS team—I sort of feel like the conductor taking a bow, but the real praise goes to the orchestra. Thank you all for of your diligence and hard work! In particular I must thank Malay Bhattacharyya, Inbal Talgam, Erin Carson, and Michael Bernstein who make up the bulk of my 5,452 emails. There is also James Stanier and Tom Bartindale, Department Chiefs, who were my right-hand men.

There are also several individuals at ACM who operate behind the scenes, but really make it all happen. The first person I must acknowledge is Jill Duffy, managing editor during my first two years, and who recruited me as editor-in-chief. Even less visible is Scott Delman, Director of Group Publishing, who pulls the purse strings to make this publication happen. His faith in our efforts has been unwavering throughout. Thank you Jill and Scott for giving me this unbelievable opportunity. Finally, there is Denise Doig, our now-veteran managing editor. I've had the privilege of working with her on the last three issues—XRDS couldn't be in better hands.

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Chris Harrison is a Ph.D. student in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Before coming to CMU, Harrison worked at IBM Research and AT&T Labs. He has since worked at Microsoft Research and Disney Imagineering. Currently, Harrison is investigating how to "interact with small devices in big ways" through novel sensing technologies and interaction techniques.

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