Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students

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Association for Computing Machinery

Magazine: Summer 2011 | Volume 17, No. 4

Mixing things up

COLUMN: Letter from the editor


Mixing things up

We've been experimenting with a new editorial model. Previously, issues of XRDS have been directed by one or two Feature Editors, who have a particular interest in a subject area. For example, James Stanier headed up the "Changing Face of Programming" issue; Michael Bernstein and Inbal Talgam put together the "Comp-YOU-ter" issue on Human Computation. Being an Issue Editor means lots of conversations with the XRDS team to figure out themes, tracking down and inviting experts to contribute articles, and reviewing articles submitted through our online portal.

By Chris Harrison

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Tags: Document types




By XRDS Staff

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Tags: Document types, General and reference

Every bit has a cost

Email services at ACM


Email services at ACM

By Daniel Gooch

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Tags: Computing organizations

Tips for going green

COLUMN: Advice

Tips for going green

By Ben Deverett

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Tags: Microcomputers

What a wonderful world<br />ACM student chapters around the globe

Sustainable data centers

SECTION: Features

Sustainable data centers

How Google addresses energy and environment issues as they pertain to its global data centers.

By Bill Weihl, Erik Teetzel, Jimmy Clidaras, Chris Malone, Joe Kava, Michael Ryan

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Tags: Application servers, Application specific processors, Client-server architectures, Database web servers, File systems management, Implementation management, Other architectures, Reconfigurable logic and FPGAs, Record storage systems, Sorting and searching

Sustainable sensing for a smarter planet

Sustainable sensing for a smarter planet

At what scale is indoor solar harvesting the better primary power source?

By Prabal Dutta

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Tags: Communication hardware, interfaces and storage, Network architectures, Network services



Industry and consumers need tools to help make decisions that are good for communities and for the environment.

By Leo Bonanni

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Tags: Collaborative and social computing, Collaborative and social computing systems and tools, Development frameworks and environments, World Wide Web



New social media is helping connect students to apprenticeships in the practice of organic farming.

By Ethan Schaffer

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Tags: Collaborative and social computing systems and tools, Social and professional topics, World Wide Web

Let's split!

Let's split!

Going sustainable by dividing personal transportation into two categories.

By Dan Sturges

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Tags: Communication hardware, interfaces and storage, Computing / technology policy, Social and professional topics

The networked vehicle 1.0

The networked vehicle 1.0

The electric car revolution is back in gear and ready to plug into the mass market.

By Steven Letendre, Willet Kempton, Jasna Tomić

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Tags: Computers in other domains, Network architectures, Social and professional topics

In the dark, out in the cold

In the dark, out in the cold

For 30% of the population, lack of access to home-energy monitoring devices translates into a lack of power---in more ways than one.

By Tawanna Dillahunt, Jennifer Mankoff

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Tags: Collaborative and social computing systems and tools, Human computer interaction (HCI), World Wide Web

Challenges in sustainable human-home interaction

Challenges in sustainable human-home interaction

Building eco-friendly homes with occupant intelligence as the foundation.

By Johnny Rodgers, Lyn Bartram, Rob Woodbury

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Tags: Collaborative and social computing systems and tools, Human computer interaction (HCI), World Wide Web



Energy efficiency through behavioral science and technology.

By Alex Laskey, Ogi Kavazovic

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Tags: Collaborative and social computing systems and tools, Multimedia information systems, Social and professional topics, World Wide Web

Dialogical encounters

Dialogical encounters

Translating ecological data into arresting images and sound require an artist's touch.

By Tiffany Holmes

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Tags: Collaborative and social computing, Multimedia information systems

Web maps of renewable energy

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory<br />Berkeley, California

Green technology

Profile Rob Bernard<br />Microsoft's green commitment