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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: General literature

Articles & Features

COLUMN: Letter from the Editors

Technology is Not Neutral: Locating Sites of Resistance as Computing Students

By Jasmine Lu, Jiayi Li, June 2024

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Shifting Power Through Resistance: Social Justice in Practice

By Cella M. Sum, Alicia DeVrio, June 2024

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Promoting Social Justice in the Digital Era

By Zhongxuan He, June 2024

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Tech and Social Justice

By Jeenisha Shrungare, June 2024

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How Drexel WiCS Supports Community Care

By XRDS Staff, May 2024

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How Technology Shapes Our Private Worlds

By Zhongxuan He, May 2024

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Computing for Environments

By Jeenisha Shrungare, May 2024

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COLUMN: Careers

Crafting a Career in HCI: Three Decades of Work

By Elizabeth Churchill, February 2024

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The Future of Health: Exploring Bio-Digital Convergence

By Jeenisha Shrungare, February 2024

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COLUMN: Letter from the Editors

Embracing New Horizons

By Karan Ahuja, October 2023

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Empowering Excellence: The Impact of ACM Student Chapters

By Gopal Mengi, October 2023

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Robots and You

By Jeenisha Shrungare, October 2023

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COLUMN: Letter from the Editors

Computational Creativity: Bridging Art and Computer Science

By Jiayi Li, June 2023

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Exploring Synthetic Media: How AI is Changing Art

By Jeenisha Shrungare, June 2023

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DEPARTMENT: Bemusement


By Louise Henderson, June 2023

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COLUMN: Letter from the Editors

Classroom Digital Twins

By Karan Ahuja, April 2023

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AI in Education

By Jeenisha Shrungare, April 2023

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COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Looking back and ahead

By Karan Ahuja, July 2022

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COLUMN: Advice

The do's & don'ts of writing a research request email

By Swati Rajwal, Avinash Kumar Pandey, July 2022

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COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Getting involved

By Ross Teixeira, April 2022

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SECTION: Opinion

Becoming a global citizen in a smart city

By Jasmine DeHart, April 2022

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Urban mobility in smart cities

By Kun Jin, April 2022

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COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Open for contributions

By Karan Ahuja, January 2022

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The intersection of technology and COVID-19

By Tejas Morkar, January 2022

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Digital me, my smart devices and I

COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Digital me, my smart devices and I

By Karan Ahuja, September 2021

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A statement of solidarity

SECTION: Opinion

A statement of solidarity

By XRDS Staff, September 2021

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Is computing toxic?


Is computing toxic?

By Xuhai Xu, September 2021

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Toxic computing


Toxic computing

By Tejas Morkar, September 2021

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COLUMN: Letter from the editors

A look behind the scenes

By Karan Ahuja, June 2021

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Computing and sustainability

By Yingfei Wang, June 2021

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Can technology save our earth?

By Tejas Morkar, June 2021

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COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Women's fight for existence, respect, and freedom in public space

By Diane Golay, March 2021

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A world wide web for women

By Tejas Morkar, March 2021

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COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Technology and societal changes

By Diane Golay, December 2020

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You mess the kitchen, you do the dishes

By Ross Teixeira, Henri Maxime Demoulin, December 2020

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The impact of technology in 2020

By Jovian Jaison, December 2020

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COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Entangled in a web of fake news

By Diane Golay, September 2020

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On credibility and verification

By Daniela Zieba, September 2020

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COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Unlocking the black box

By Diane Golay, July 2020

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Words of wisdom from one computer scientist to another

A paradigm shift: how CS has intrinsically changed society

COLUMN: Accolades

A paradigm shift: how CS has intrinsically changed society

By Anukruti Mathur, October 2018

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How to publish research results for academic and non-academic audiences


How to publish research results for academic and non-academic audiences

The XRDS blog highlights a range of topics from conference coverage, to security and privacy, to CS theory. Selected blog posts, edited for print, are featured in every issue. Please visit xrds.acm.org/blog to read each post in its entirety. If you are interested in joining as a student blogger, please contact us.

By Gustavo Fortes Tondello, October 2018

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Paying it forward

COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Paying it forward

By Gierad Laput, July 2018

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You are not “just” your Ph.D.

COLUMN: Advice

You are not “just” your Ph.D.

By Andrew J. Hunsucker, April 2018

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Rethinking creativity

SECTION: Features

Rethinking creativity

Why it matters to liberate creativity and how technology can help us along the way.

By Seda Röder, April 2018

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Time management as a Ph.D.

COLUMN: Advice

Time management as a Ph.D.

By Andrew J. Hunsucker, September 2016

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Why you need Allies as a Ph.D.

Why you need Allies as a Ph.D.

Good research requires strong connections.

By Andrew J. Hunsucker, June 2016

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XRDS staff updates


XRDS staff updates

By XRDS Staff, April 2016

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Exploring innovation

Exploring innovation

By XRDS Staff, December 2015

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