Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students

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Association for Computing Machinery

Magazine: Advice

Demystifying national labs

Five do's and don'ts as a postdoctoral scholar

Some tips for academic writing and using Microsoft Word

How to stay motivated during a Ph.D

Best practices for reproducible research

Navigating through the hype that surrounds machine learning

Words of wisdom from one computer scientist to another

How to find relevant papers: thinking like a researcher

You are not “just” your Ph.D.

How to Deal with Stress as a Ph.D. Student

How to choose a conference

How to choose a conference

Bigger is not always better when building an academic reputation.

By Andrew J. Hunsucker

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Tags: Social and professional topics

How to manage your advisor

How to manage your advisor

Getting a Ph.D. is a challenge, but in theory at least, students have a lot of support.

By Andrew J. Hunsucker

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Tags: Social and professional topics

When should you quit your Ph.D.?<br />I cannot do this for the rest of my life.

Time management as a Ph.D.

Why you need Allies as a Ph.D.

Why you need Allies as a Ph.D.

Good research requires strong connections.

By Andrew J. Hunsucker

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Tags: Computing education programs, General literature

How to deal with negative critique

Addressing academic publishing

Writing your dissertation

Tips for writing a good scientific paper

The Ph.D. journey

The essentials of a computer scientist's toolkit

A call for passion

A beginner's guide to computer science research

Team players<br />How to be a good one

How you can change the world

Managing Your Time

Facing your supervisor

How to review CS papers

Blogging: 5 tips for your success

Six tips for students interested in big data analytics

Better safe than sorry

Public relations for computer science students

Of undergraduates and research

Applying for postgraduate studies

Tips for going green

Letters of recommendation

Five programming tips

Marketing your ideas<br />Don't sell yourself short