XRDS: Get Involved

XRDS is a publication for students, by students. There are a number of ways to get involved.
- Contact the editors
- Submit an article or write for XRDS
- Join the XRDS blog team
- Join the editorial team
- Get mentioned in the magazine or online – have an event listed on our calendar; see your photo published; have your project, university ACM chapter, or yourself mentioned mentioned in an article
How to Contact XRDS
Send letters to the editors: email xrds@acm.org and include a descriptive subject line (so we know it's not spam). You can also reach us with a short message on Twitter or Facebook. Send snail mail to ACM Attn: XRDS: Crossroads, 1601 Broadway, New York, New York 10019, U.S.
Submit a photo: send a link to xrds@acm.org – no attachments, please. Be sure to tell us your name, who took the photo, your university affiliation, and a description of the image so we can write a caption. If your image is selected for publication, we will notify you by email.
Announcements: Post to our Facebook group page your conference announcements, calls for papers, chapter updates, information about grants and scholarships, and more. We'll pick them up from there and add them to the events calendar.
Submit an article or write for XRDS
For featured articles, you can find more about the upcoming issues and submit via the contributions form here: https://bit.ly/xrdscontribute
For complete information about submitting an article, see the Author Guidelines. As a published ACM author, you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM's new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects.
After you have read all the guidelines, please contact the editorial staff at xrdsmagazine@gmail.com to submit an article.
If you are interested in writing frequently, we suggest you apply to become an editor (see below).
Join the XRDS blog team
The XRDS Blog is our venue for consistent and timely contact with Computer Science student communities. We are looking for student contributions in the field, possible blog topics are: discuss your last research paper, show how you hacked your thermostat, voice your opinion on a new open source operating system or device, give the reader an interactive a tutorial on machine learning, or present an overview of the last conference you attended. Whatever is the medium you enjoy, we will do our best to make it happen, this might include: video, text, code, info-graphics, sketches, or a podcast. Optionally, interest in social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter is a plus for any applicant.
To apply to become a blogger:
- Send an email of interest to xrdsmagazine@gmail.com.
- Use the subject line: "Blog Applicant" followed by your name and university affiliation.
- Provide one example of something you've written or point to a blog/website you have contributed for as a writer.
- Additional information such as CV or resume (as a PDF) is welcome.
- If we think you may be a good fit for the team, we will contact you.
Join the Editorial Team (apply to become an Editor)
XRDS is a magazine for students, by students. Editors are unpaid volunteers and must be ACM student members. Editors contribute to the magazine and web site in a variety of ways. The editorial team tries to make sure each editor is making a significant contribution to the magazine and working on projects that are applicable to their interests, but please be aware that editors must also be willing to do any number of tasks, from copy editing to proofreading, especially during the first few months of joining the team.
Current open positions can be found here: http://xrds.acm.org/volunteer.cfm
To apply to become an editor:
- Send a letter of interest to xrdsmagazine@gmail.com.
- Use the subject line: "Editor Applicant" followed by your name and university affiliation.
- In the brief letter, please include some information about what you study, the most amazing projects you've worked on, why you want to become an editor, and what you would like to do as an editor. It also helps if you write in a style that is engaging, smart, and witty. Let us know you have a personality.
- Attach a resume or CV as a PDF.
- Include a link to your web site if you have one.
- If we think you may be a good fit for the team, we will ask you to complete an edit test.
Get Mentioned
If you'd like to see your event, school, project, or work mentioned in the magazine or web site, see the Get Mentioned page.