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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: Codes of ethics

Articles & Features

SECTION: Features

Ethical Tech Begins with Ethical Workplaces: Power Dynamics in Companies and Universities

My research shows how engineers in companies often feel little power to account for the ethics of what they create, and my student activism shows how universities often reproduce similar dynamics, harming their community in the process. Here are some ways students can---and must---resist.

By David Gray Widder, June 2024

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What Can AI Ethics Learn from Anarchism?

AI ethics is experiencing two crises: It is disconnected from communities being impacted by AI and largely funded by and dependent on tech companies profiting from harms. Drawing on anarchist ideas, AI ethicists have recently started building tools to challenge this status quo. What else can AI ethics learn from anarchism?

By William Agnew, June 2024

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Hammering It Out: On Worker Cooperatives and the Question of Transforming the Tech Industry

This article describes what it's like to work at an employee-owned technology cooperative, grappling with working conditions and the present state of the tech industry. The benefits of unionization are described, as are attempts to resist and refuse oppressive tech through consciousness of and engagement with struggles for justice around the world.

By Alex Ahmed, June 2024

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SECTION: Features

Building Inclusive and Equitable Artificial Intelligence for Education

Four "who-ristic" questions to ask yourself when designing artificially intelligent educational technologies that will actually benefit people.

By Rod D. Roscoe, April 2023

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From individual consent to collective refusal

Big tech companies have been found to misuse personal data, often collected without consent. What can the public do to change unjust collection and use of their personal data, and what role can computer scientists play in these efforts?

By Jonathan Zong, December 2020

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COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Taking responsibility as computer science professionals

By Diane Golay, April 2020

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Decolonizing design through the perspectives of cosmological others: Arguing for an ontological turn in design research and practice

SECTION: Features

Decolonizing design through the perspectives of cosmological others: Arguing for an ontological turn in design research and practice

A closer attention to cultural and cosmological difference as the basis for thinking about how we redesign our own modern technological infrastructures may be the way to decolonize design research.

By Ahmed Ansari, November 2019

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Africa's social contract with AI

Africa's social contract with AI

The ethics of artificial intelligence in Africa should come from the social contract theories and ethical frameworks developed by African philosophers. But if AI researchers fail to incorporate cultural differences, they risk perpetuating the same injustices witnessed during colonial times.

By Ezinne Nwankwo, Belona Sonna, November 2019

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Interpreting AI and its place in our worlds


Interpreting AI and its place in our worlds

By Christine T. Wolf, Ezinne Nwankwo, April 2019

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Navigating through the hype that surrounds machine learning

Artificial intelligence technologies: Eight viewpoints

SECTION: Features

Artificial intelligence technologies: Eight viewpoints

Every year, the ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence sponsors a student essay writing contest. This article presents a clear perspective on last year's winners, which represent a diverse collection of opinions on artificial intelligence.

By Johanna Schacht, January 2019

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Human values in a digital society

Human values in a digital society

In a period of rapid technological change, there is a risk of ethics taking a back seat.

By Simon Winter, October 2018

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COLUMN: Advice

The excessive power of Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V in CS research and career development

By Nisha Panwar, Shantanu Sharma, December 2017

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COLUMN: Careers

Software is for humans
Holding our industry accountable

By Jenn Schiffer, December 2017

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The ethics of gamification

SECTION: Features: Motivating Participation

The ethics of gamification

Gamification is manipulation; at least that is what many people think. Because gamification is a powerful tool for modifying behaviors, how we should consider ethics specifically for gamification?

By Andrzej Marczewski, September 2017

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The hidden faces of automation

SECTION: Features: On demand labor

The hidden faces of automation

As we dream of automation, we always need people to calibrate and train what we automate. Automation has hidden human faces.

By Lilly Irani, December 2016

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The gig economy

The gig economy

Gig jobs have become a structural aspect of contemporary economic landscape, creating unique social and technological challenges. How can policies and design solutions better protect gig workers and mitigate the risks participants face?

By Paolo Parigi, Xiao Ma, December 2016

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CHI 2016


CHI 2016

What can 1,000 scientists achieve when they invest one hour doing voluntary work?

By Nur Al-huda Hamdan, September 2016

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Deep dreams are made of these

COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Deep dreams are made of these

By Sean Follmer, November 2015

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Stay weird, stay different

Stay weird, stay different

By Sean Follmer, March 2015

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Do no evil in research

Do no evil in research

By Inbal Talgam-Cohen, Sean Follmer, October 2014

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How you can change the world

COLUMN: Advice

How you can change the world

By Connor Bain, December 2013

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Drones and the digital panopticon


Drones and the digital panopticon

The XRDS blog highlights a range of topics from conference overviews to privacy and security, from HCI to cryptography. Selected blog posts, edited for print, will be featured in every issue. Please visit xrds.acm.org/blog to read each post in its entirety.

By Lea Rosen, March 2013

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Facing the African ICTD academic divide

SECTION: Features

Facing the African ICTD academic divide

This article stitches together the current journey of ICTD researchers based in Africa who formed a virtual network, which hopes to contribute toward the enhancement of representation within the academic ICTD community.

By Kathleen Diga, December 2012

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By Matthew Kay, Dimitris Mitropoulos, Wolfgang Richter, Lora Oehlberg, Lea Rosen, September 2012

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By Justin Solomon, June 2008

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By Jeremy T. Lanman, April 2004

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Multilevel security

By Stephany Filimon, April 2004

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Maurice Elzas on simulation ethics

By Kostas Pentikousis, December 2002

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Computer-based decision-making

By Jeff Robbins, November 1995

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Digital liberties

By Lorrie Faith Cranor, May 1995

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