SECTION: Features
Protein language models were nurtured by unlikely parents---corporations. Now that they have come of age, they have been forced to strike out on their own. A common pitfall that biotechnology platforms make is to attempt to solve as many problems, all at once, while in reality solving none. Whether these fledgling protein LLM companies will learn from the mistakes of their industry predecessors remains to be seen.
By Albin Hartwig, February 2024
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SECTION: Features
Big tech companies have been found to misuse personal data, often collected without consent. What can the public do to change unjust collection and use of their personal data, and what role can computer scientists play in these efforts?
By Jonathan Zong, December 2020
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FEATURE: Features
Is the decision to go open-source always purely altruistic? Not for many large companies, and that is not a bad thing.
By Bryant Eastham, December 2015
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The life of an academic entrepreneur can help you avoid a false choice.
By Jonathan Friedman, June 2012
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SECTION: Features
The human side of software development thrives on face-to-face interaction and teamwork.
By David L. Largent, September 2010
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