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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: Algorithmic game theory

Articles & Features

Do Humans Play Equilibrium? Modeling Human Behavior in Computational Strategic Systems

SECTION: Features: Incentivizing Truthfulness

Do Humans Play Equilibrium? Modeling Human Behavior in Computational Strategic Systems

Online auctions and other computational strategic systems where human users interact are usually analyzed based on the assumptions that the users are rational and reach an equilibrium. This article shows that these modeling assumptions lead to significant errors, and that using behaviorally appropriate assumptions is important for achieving credible predictions in such systems.

By Gali Noti, September 2017

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Differential privacy as a tool for truthfulness in games

Differential privacy as a tool for truthfulness in games

Differential privacy guarantees the input data from a single individual has a very small impact on the output of a computation. Tools from privacy can also be used in game theory and economics to incentivize people to truthfully reveal their data.

By Rachel Cummings, September 2017

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Incentivizing exploration via information asymmetry

SECTION: Features: Incentivizing Actions and Effort

Incentivizing exploration via information asymmetry

As self-interested individuals make decisions over time, they utilize information revealed by others in the past and produce information that may help others in the future. So how can we incentivize exploration for the sake of the common good?

By Aleksandrs Slivkins, September 2017

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