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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: Architectures

Articles & Features

The human manual

SECTION: Features

The human manual

Understanding how computer systems are built today can help us improve how well we work together.

By Bryan Kim, October 2018

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Parallel computing with patterns and frameworks

Parallel computing with patterns and frameworks

Exploiting parallelism may require developers to think differently about how their programs are written.

By Bryan Catanzaro, Kurt Keutzer, September 2010

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The processor-memory bottleneck

The rate of improvement in microprocessor speed exceeds the rate of improvement in DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) speed. So although the disparity between processor and memory speed is already an issue, downstream someplace it will be a much bigger one. Hence computer designers are faced with an increasing Processor - Memory Performance Gap [1], which now is the primary obstacle to improved computer system performance. This article examines this problem as well as its various solutions.

By Nihar R. Mahapatra, Balakrishna Venkatrao, April 1999

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By Scott Lewandowski, March 1999

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Architectures and compilers to support reconfigurable computing

By João M. P. Cardoso, Mário P. Vestístias, March 1999

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