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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: Assistive technologies

Articles & Features

SECTION: Features

Putting the disability in DEI through inclusive imagery

Disability representation---both the presence of people with disabilities and images depicting disability---is increasingly integrated into computing. But how do we make sure the processes we have for developing inclusive imagery are themselves inclusive?

By Emory James Edwards, July 2022

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Future assistive devices: What's at stake for you or me?

Future assistive devices: What's at stake for you or me?

In the future, small portable devices will be available for all kinds of purposes, not least as a support for people with different kinds of impairments. But is this purely a good development or are there possible dangers? In the latter case, how can we find a proper balance?

By Lars Oestreicher, September 2019

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Computer science and sports: The digital evolution of physical competition


Computer science and sports: The digital evolution of physical competition

By Patrick Carrington, Eliezer Bernart, July 2019

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Computing technologies to increase access to physical activity for people with visual impairments

SECTION: Features

Computing technologies to increase access to physical activity for people with visual impairments

Understanding how to develop technologies that make exercise more accessible to people with visual impairments, particularly in the form of body-based movement and public spaces.

By Kyle Rector, July 2019

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Limber employment


Limber employment

By Asmaa Rabie, December 2016

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Fabrication lends a hand: creating custom assistive technology

SECTION: Features

Fabrication lends a hand: creating custom assistive technology

Lost your hand in a lightsaber fight? No problem, we can fix that. Rapid and consumer-grade fabrication tools could revolutionize the way we design and deliver assistive technologies.

By Erin Buehler, April 2016

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By Joshua B. Gross, December 2005

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Challenges in HCI

By Kibum Kim, December 2005

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HCI Applications for aiding children with mental disorders

By Hossein Mobahi, Karrie G. Karahalios, December 2005

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When news is more than what makes headlines

By Kayre Hylton, Mary Beth Rosson, John Carroll, Craig Ganoe, December 2005

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