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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: Consumer products

Articles & Features

DEPARTMENT: Hello world

Recommendation systems

By Chittaranjan Tripathy, Yannis Pavlidis, April 2020

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Untangling hype and innovation


Untangling hype and innovation

By Gierad Laput, Adrian Scoică, January 2019

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Running an alt.business: being a good cause and doing good business

SECTION: Features

Running an alt.business: being a good cause and doing good business

Hacker, maker, and engineer Limor "Ladyada" Fried shares her insights on open technologies and business models.

By Limor Fried, June 2017

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Identity: the killer app of crowdfunded open hardware

Identity: the killer app of crowdfunded open hardware

In the next 20 years, the notion of a secure, verifiable identity will drive the adoption of crowdfunded open hardware.

By Joshua Lifton, June 2017

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Building a business based on the life you want to lead

Building a business based on the life you want to lead

Running a business and living the lifestyle you want can be seen as mutually exclusive. Maintaining the right balance, while meeting the changing goals of both, can be seen as a talent. But shifting focus away from the bottom line can lead to a better outcome, professionally and personally. Two entrepreneurs share their ongoing journey toward mastering this art.

By Chris "Akiba" Wang, Jacinta Plucinski, June 2017

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Technology worldwide

DEPARTMENT: Milestones

Technology worldwide

By Jay Patel, June 2016

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Trends in internet of things platforms

FEATURE: Features

Trends in internet of things platforms

With billions of IOT devices predicted to appear over the next few years, some things have to change.

By Michael Andersen, December 2015

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Panasonic and the OpenDOF project

Panasonic and the OpenDOF project

Is the decision to go open-source always purely altruistic? Not for many large companies, and that is not a bad thing.

By Bryant Eastham, December 2015

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Our virtual reality revolution


Our virtual reality revolution

By Pedro Lopes, November 2015

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One step beyond virtual reality

SECTION: Features

One step beyond virtual reality

We have come a long way since the late 1970s, when virtual reality technology was in its infancy. With an array of new VR technologies in the market, what might be the future impact on our daily lives?

By Diego Martinez Plasencia, November 2015

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