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Articles Tagged: Cultural characteristics

Articles & Features

SECTION: Features

Anti-Caste Lessons for Computing: Educate, Agitate, Organize

South Asian caste systems are one of the many forms of historical, social hierarchies like race, gender, sexuality, and disability that shape the worlds of technology and media. The experiences of Dalits in hyper-Brahmanical spaces show how caste needs to be navigated in worlds of technology.

By Divyanshu Kumar Singh, Palashi Vaghela, June 2024

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Working Together Toward ikigai: Co-Designing Robots That Can Help Us Achieve Meaning and Purpose in Life

Robots are commonly envisioned as assisting older adults in physical tasks or providing companionship. But there has been less focus on helping older adults achieve more intangible, but equally important, aspects of wellness, such as a feeling of purpose and meaning in life. Here, we share our experiences working and learning together with older adults on developing a robot that can support their achievement of ikigai---meaning or purpose in life.

By Long-Jing Hsu, Waki Kamino, Weslie Khoo, Katherine Tsui, David Crandall, Selma Šabanović, October 2023

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Why you being WEIRD to me?

HCI researchers and practitioners of all backgrounds need to consider the role WEIRD-ness plays in HCI methods, research, and communities and the impact that has on marginalized communities.

By Leslie Coney, July 2022

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Asian-Americans, we must resign from our role as Silicon Valley's model minority mascot

This article interrogates the role of the "model minority" myth in the lives and careers of Asian Americans in tech. The author shares research as well as her own experiences and that of her peers to illuminate the harmful misconceptions and microaggressions that make up daily life. This article is particularly poignant as we mark the conclusion of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the United States.

By Raksha Muthukumar, July 2022

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Decoloniality in computing

This interview explores the relationship between social computing technology and decolonization and the relationship between coloniality and computing research.

By Jordan Taylor, July 2022

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The shape of our feminisms

Understanding agency and empowerment outside the Global North.

By Maryam Mustafa, March 2021

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HCI education of choice

This article is from the perspective of an Egyptian HCI educator who explores "designing" inclusive designers, and how decolonial thinking can address inclusion in HCI education as one possible critical lens.

By Shaimaa Lazem, March 2021

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Past, present, and past as present in India's predictive policing

In India, law enforcement's use of big data to thwart crime has instead amplified the discriminatory presence of caste, religion, gender, and other social markers within a system that is supposedly objective and neutral.

By Shivangi Narayan, December 2020

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Community and freedom

This article reflects on approaches to community making, recounting the experience of a group of activists running two workshops in a prison in Argentina, working from a free software and free culture perspective.

By Carolina D'Amelio, Federico Ternavasio, Martín Morales, July 2020

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Global cultures and computing


Global cultures and computing

By Lynn Kirabo, November 2019

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Havana's StreetNet: Innovation from necessity

SECTION: Features

Havana's StreetNet: Innovation from necessity

In Havana, technology enthusiasts have designed StreetNet, a community network that serves as an alternative to the worldwide web. This article describes the deeply relational practices that go toward the maintenance of StreetNet, highlighting elements of struggle that accompany innovative strategies that result from necessity.

By Michaelanne Dye, November 2019

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The past and present: A push toward the good life

The past and present: A push toward the good life

In this article, we contemplate how African communities, based on their unique experiences and backgrounds, can increasingly become producers and participants in the technology development process; a step beyond just being end-users.

By Cynthia Habonimana, Moses Namara, November 2019

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How technology converses with local languages

How technology converses with local languages

The relationship between technology and language use is situated in social and historical factors. Considering the meaning of language use in technology design is essential for supporting diverse language preferences.

By Naveena Karusala, November 2019

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Protibadi: Starting the fight against sexual abuse

Protibadi: Starting the fight against sexual abuse

The story of how a group of Bangladeshi volunteers used technology to address the country's sexual abuse problem.

By Nova Ahmed, November 2019

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Computing all over the world


Computing all over the world

By Amari Lewis, November 2019

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Serving people in crisis to make the world a better place

SECTION: Features

Serving people in crisis to make the world a better place

Carolin Silbernagl, who leads betterplace lab, the research arm of betterplace.org in Berlin, Germany, is a social technologist, as well as co-founder of dotHIV. Here, she shares what it takes to make betterplace, the first mover in the area of digital social startups in Germany.

By Nidhi Rastogi, Rahul R. Divekar, April 2017

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Mikel Maron<br /> A life spent digitizing the sense of direction

CHI 2016


CHI 2016

What can 1,000 scientists achieve when they invest one hour doing voluntary work?

By Nur Al-huda Hamdan, September 2016

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The center and the periphery: beyond Eurocentrism


The center and the periphery: beyond Eurocentrism

By Ahmed Ansari, Raghavendra Kandala, June 2016

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Decolonising HCI and interaction design discourse: some considerations in planning AfriCHI

SECTION: Features

Decolonising HCI and interaction design discourse: some considerations in planning AfriCHI

Bringing African theorists into the construction of African identity in HCI.

By Nicola J. Bidwell, June 2016

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Breaking the cycle of Macondo: design and decolonial futures

Breaking the cycle of Macondo: design and decolonial futures

How can the ideas of timelessness and anachronism contribute to the decolonization of design practices in Latin America?

By Luiza Prado de O. Martins, Pedro J. S. Vieira de Oliveira, June 2016

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Negotiating science, technology, culture, and religion: the art and ideas of Laleh Mehran

Negotiating science, technology, culture, and religion: the art and ideas of Laleh Mehran

In this interview, the artist Laleh Mehran discusses her use of interactive installations to explore the relationships between science, theology, and technology. She also shares how her experience as an Iranian-American has shaped the structure and themes of her work.

By Jennifer Jacobs, June 2016

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Jian Guan on design and innovation in China

Jian Guan on design and innovation in China

Having attended universities in the U.S. and China, this educator shares his insight of the design industry and education in China.

By Ahmed Ansari, Raghavendra Kandala, June 2016

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Sanny Gaddafi <br /> Living at the forefront of Indonesia's tech emancipation