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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: Database query languages (principles)

Articles & Features

Designing good MapReduce algorithms

SECTION: Features

Designing good MapReduce algorithms

An introduction to designing algorithms for the MapReduce framework for parallel processing of big data.

By Jeffrey D. Ullman, September 2012

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Big data and internships at Cloudera

Big data and internships at Cloudera

Students working in the big data space get uniquely valuable experiences and perspectives by taking industrial internships, which can help further their research agendas.

By Yanpei Chen, Andrew Ferguson, Brian Martin, Andrew Wang, Patrick Wendell, September 2012

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Peregrine: Low-latency queries on Hive warehouse data

Peregrine: Low-latency queries on Hive warehouse data

How Facebook is analyzing big data.

By Raghotham Murthy, Rajat Goel, September 2012

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Profile Jeff Dean<br />Big data at Google

Profile Jeff Dean
Big data at Google

By Edward Z. Yang, Robert J. Simmons, September 2012

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