The XRDS blog highlights a range of topics from security and privacy to neuroscience. Selected blog posts, edited for print, will be featured in every issue. Please visit to read each post in its entirety.
By Samira Daruki, March 2014
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Should there be a standard in the way of algorithms languages to improve productivity and remove ambiguity?
By Olivia Simpson, September 2013
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SECTION: Features
Scientific computing for social and modern information networks.
By David Gleich, March 2013
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Complexity theory provides new viewpoints on various phenomena that were considered by past thinkers.
By Oded Goldreich, March 2012
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How the search for the limits of computing led to the discovery of the unexpected power of proofs.
By Dana Moshkovitz, March 2012
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Quantum computing is not merely a recipe for new computing devices, but a new way of looking at the world.
By Aram Harrow, March 2012
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This paper covers the techniques of Polygonal Simplification in order to produce Levels of Detail (LODs). The problem of creating LODs is a complex one: how can simpler versions of a model be created? How can the approximation error be measured? How can the visual degradation be estimated? Can all this be done automatically? After exposing the basic aims and principles of polygonal simplification, we compare recent algorithms and state their various qualities and weaknesses.
By Mike Krus, Patrick Bourdot, Françoise Guisnel, Gullaume Thibault, May 1997
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