Articles Tagged: Historical people
Articles & Features
SECTION: Features
The women bricoleurs of technology
Understanding the value of reaching from theory to practice by revisiting the contributions of women before us and our assumptions about how we create valuable impact for the future.
By Deborah Schultz, March 2021
Equality through digital technology
Dedicated to Alan Mathison Turing (1912--1954), a pioneer of computer science
By Vasileios Kalantzis, December 2017
SECTION: Features
On entrepreneurship
Joi Ito, director of the MIT Media Lab, shares his ideas about entrepreneurship learning, finding the right people, and navigating failure with grace.
By Jie Qi, June 2017
The Heidelberg Laureate Forum on the moving frontier between mathematics and computer science
Young and early-career researchers at the 2016 Heidelberg Laureate Forum discuss how the frontier between mathematics and computer science is shifting, what the future promises, and the implications the frontier's shape and dynamics will have on both fields.
By Edmon Begoli, Vincent Schlegel, Michael Atiyah, Praise Adeyemo, Tim Baarslag, April 2017
SECTION: Features
What is computation?
Our culture is in the process of renegotiating what it thinks computation and computer really mean.
By Ian Horswill, March 2012
An interview with Robert Soare
University of Chicago's Robert Soare, the Paul Snowden Russell Distinguished Service Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, offers his reflections on Alan Turing.
By Arefin Huq, March 2012
A day in the life of ... Douglas Hofstadter
By Douglas Hofstadter, December 2003
A day in the life of... Stuart Cheshire
By Stuart Cheshire, September 2003
A day in the life of…
By Hal Berghel, December 2000
ACM awards banquet 2000, vicariously
By Lynellen D. S. Perry, July 2000
In memory of David Huffman
By Kevin Fu, March 2000
Road crew
By John Cavazos, April 1998
Road crew
By John Cavazos, November 1997
An interview with Drew McDermott
By Kentaro Toyama, Drew McDermott, September 1996
An interview with Brad Templeton
By George E. Hatoun, Brad Templeton, February 1996
Programming Perl
By Lorrie Faith Cranor, December 1994
Interview! Stephen R. Schach
By Saveen Reddy, Stephen R. Schach, December 1994