SECTION: Features
Joreen Arigye, a data analyst at Fenix International, shares her perspective on the importance of culture in the workplace. Having grown up directly connected to the typical Fenix customer, she has the ability to contribute knowledgeably to validating results from models, analysis, recommendations, and intervention strategies.
By Lynn Kirabo, November 2019
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SECTION: Features
As the gap between research and productization continues to narrow, traditional labels may no longer apply.
By Stephen Miller, June 2017
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Running a business and living the lifestyle you want can be seen as mutually exclusive. Maintaining the right balance, while meeting the changing goals of both, can be seen as a talent. But shifting focus away from the bottom line can lead to a better outcome, professionally and personally. Two entrepreneurs share their ongoing journey toward mastering this art.
By Chris "Akiba" Wang, Jacinta Plucinski, June 2017
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FEATURE: Features
Web and semantic technologies will form the foundation for ecosystems of machines that interact with each other and with people as never before.
By Florian Michahelles, Simon Mayer, December 2015
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