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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: K-12 education

Articles & Features

SECTION: Features

Interactive Murals: New Interactions and Educational Opportunities for Diverse Youth

Interactive murals integrate electronics into traditional murals to create a new kind of public art as well as a new kind of large-scale and community-situated technology. This article introduces interactive murals along with a set of activities designed to engage young people in technology and the arts. We describe the process and outcome of workshops in which a muralist, two interaction design researchers, and a group of diverse teenagers designed and built a large-scale interactive mural on the exterior wall of a local building.

By Alyshia Bustos, Nanibah Chacon, Leah Buechley, June 2023

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SECTION: Features

ChatGPT for Next Generation Science Learning

This article pilots ChatGPT in tackling the most challenging part of science learning and found it successful in automation of assessment development, grading, learning guidance, and recommendation of learning materials.

By Xiaoming Zhai, April 2023

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Sports and machine learning: How young people can use data from their own bodies to learn about machine learning

Sports and machine learning: How young people can use data from their own bodies to learn about machine learning

In order to foster interest in machine learning among young people, presented are simple and effective ways to engage kids using sensors on their own bodies.

By Abigail Zimmermann-Niefield, R. Benjamin Shapiro, Shaun Kane, July 2019

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Leveraging personal experience for academic research and outreach

Use your individuality to build your career path whether it leans toward academia, outreach, or both. The existing underlying threads between your experiences and the pursuit of research problems might surprise you.

By Joslenne Peña, December 2017

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