Articles Tagged: Language types
Articles & Features
Getting started on natural language processing with Python
By Nitin Madnani, September 2007
Avoid common pitfalls when programming 2D graphics in java
This paper presents the core knowledge required to properly develop 2D games in Java. We describe the common pitfalls that can easily degrade graphics performance and show how we achieved impressive frames-per-second display updates when implementing Minueto, a game development framework.
By Alexandre Denault, Jörg Kienzle, March 2007
By Alexandre Borghi, Valentin David, Akim Demaille, May 2006
Microsoft windows programming strategies
By Mike Maxim, May 2006
The development of a game playing framework using interface-based programming
By Mark A. Cohen, August 2004
Technologies for the development of agent-based distributed applications
By Tobias Butte, April 2002
Software verification and validation with destiny
This paper presents an introduction to computer-aided theorem proving and a new approach using parallel processing to increase power and speed of this computation. Automated theorem provers, along with human interpretation, have been shown to be powerful tools in verifying and validating computer software. Destiny is a new tool that provides even greater and more powerful analysis enabling greater ties between software programs and their specifications.
By Josiah Dykstra, April 2002
An introduction to Java servlet programming
By Vandana Pursnani, December 2001
Objective viewpoint
By Kevin Henry, March 2001
Objective ViewPoint: distributed computation with Java remote method invocation
By Kevin Henry, July 2000
Objective viewpoint: make your GUI swing
By Matt Tucker, June 2000
Microsoft Windows programming strategies
By Mike Maxim, June 2000
Objective viewpoint
By Matt Tucker, March 2000
Book review: software engineering with Java
By Adrian P. O'Riordan, November 1999
Objective viewpoint
By George Crawford, September 1999
Objective viewpoint
By George Crawford, March 1999
Parallel processing in heterogeneous cluster architechtures using JavaPorts
By Demetris G. Galatopoullos, Elias S. Manolakos, March 1999
Creating a 3D universe in Java3D
By George Crawford, November 1998
Objective viewpoint: Java AWT layout management 101
This article provides a brief summary of basic layout management in the Java Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) and is intended to serve as a foundation for more sophisticated AWT programming.
By George Crawford, September 1998
The use of Java as an introductory programming language
By Jason Hong, May 1998
A simple SMTP framework for Java
By George Crawford, May 1998
Protecting Java code via code obfuscation
The Java language is compiled into a platform independent bytecode format. Much of the information contained in the original source code remains in the bytecode, thus decompilation is easy. We will examine how code obfuscation can help protect Java bytecodes.
By Douglas Low, April 1998
A practical crash course in Java 1.1+ programming and technology: part II
By George Crawford, April 1998
By Vishal Shah, November 1997
The wonders of Java object serialization
By Brian T. Kurotsuchi, November 1997
Using the Java Native Interface
The Java Native Interface (JNI) comes with the standard Java Development Kit (JDK) from Sun Microsystems. It permits Java programmers to integrate native code (currently C and C++) into their Java applications. This article will focus on how to make use of the JNI and will provide a few examples illustrating the usefulness of this feature. Although a native method system was included with the JDK 1.0 release, this article is concerned with the JDK 1.1 JNI which has several new features, and is much cleaner than the previous release. Also, the examples given will be specific to JDK 1.1 installed on the Solaris Operating System.
By S. Fouzi Husaini, November 1997
A practical crash course in Java 1.1+ programming and technology: part I
By George Crawford, November 1997
Objective view point: a cornucopia of C++ resources
By G. Bowden Wise, November 1996
Objective view point: casting in C++
By G. Bowden Wise, September 1996
Objective View Point: statics
By G. Bowden Wise, April 1996
Objective View Point: an overview of the Standard Template Library
By G. Bowden Wise, February 1996
Ojective View Point: getting the handle of handles
By G. Bowden Wise, November 1995
Objective View Point: the ABCs of writing C++ classes
By G. Bowden Wise, September 1995
Objective View Poiint: the ABCs of writing C++ classes
By G. Bowden Wise, May 1995
Objective View Point: object-orientation and C++ (part II of II)
By G. Bowden Wise, February 1995
Book Review: successful C++ book
By Saveen Reddy, February 1995
An introduction to Scheme
By Shriram Krishnamurthi, December 1994
Objective View Point: object-orientation and C++ (part I of II)
By G. Bowden Wise, December 1994
Objective View Point: an introduction to C++
By Saveen Reddy, G. Bowden Wise, September 1994
Book Reviews: serial communications books
By Saveen Reddy, September 1994