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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: Network services

Articles & Features

The cognitive and immersive situations room

SECTION: Features

The cognitive and immersive situations room

Cognitive environments with "eyes," "ears," "mind," "mouth," and "hands" will converse with people, understand group dynamics, present stories, and augment group intelligence, enabling humans and computers to accomplish things neither could do alone.

By Hui Su, April 2017

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Networking vehicles for safety

Networking vehicles for safety

A cyber-physical systems perspective on the design of vehicular networking solutions for safer and greener transportation.

By Yaser P. Fallah, March 2014

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Sustainable sensing for a smarter planet

Sustainable sensing for a smarter planet

At what scale is indoor solar harvesting the better primary power source?

By Prabal Dutta, June 2011

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DEPARTMENT: Hello world

Programmatic access to Wikipedia

By Dmitry Batenkov, December 2010

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