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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: People with disabilities

Articles & Features

SECTION: Features

Challenging Ableism: A Critical Turn Toward Disability Justice in HCI

A reflection on our learnings from the CHI 2022 "Dreaming Disability Justice in HCI" workshop, and why we continue to call for disability justice, despite the limitations of how we practice it within academia and industry.

By Cella M. Sum, Franchesca Spektor, Rahaf Alharbi, Leya Breanna Baltaxe-Admony, Erika Devine, Hazel Anneke Dixon, Jared Duval, Tessa Eagle, Frank Elavsky, Kim Fernandes, Leandro S. Guedes, Serena Hillman, Vaishnav Kameswaran, Lynn Kirabo, Tamanna Motahar, Kathryn E. Ringland, Anastasia Schaadhardt, Laura Scheepmaker, Alicia Williamson, June 2024

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Accessible Parallel Embodiment of Multiple Robotic Avatars in a Cafe

Novel technological systems enabling people to control multiple robotic avatars simultaneously could support more accessible ways to multitask. An implementation of a parallel avatar system in a cafe shows that, leveraging their existing skills, remote workers with disabilities were able to utilize the system to control up to four robots, each with a different function, to assist customers in a cafe. The parallel avatar systems expand the agency and the capabilities of disabled workers, while also delivering better experiences to customers.

By Giulia Barbareschi, Midori Kawaguchi, Hiroaki Kato, Kazuaki Takeuchi, Masato Nagahiro, Yoshifumi Shiiba, Yoshifuji Ory, Kentaro Yoshifuji, Shunichi Kasahara, Kouta Minamizawa, January 2023

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Putting the disability in DEI through inclusive imagery

Disability representation---both the presence of people with disabilities and images depicting disability---is increasingly integrated into computing. But how do we make sure the processes we have for developing inclusive imagery are themselves inclusive?

By Emory James Edwards, July 2022

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Technology to support independent navigation of people with visual impairments

Smart cities have the potential to improve mobility for people with disabilities, but only if their needs are considered up front and not as an afterthought. Prior research shows promising paths for real-world deployments and for new technological innovations.

By João Guerreiro, April 2022

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The challenges and future of navigation for people with disabilities

People with disabilities can pervasively obtain navigation services based on modern machine learning and 5G techniques.

By Jialong Zhou, Chen Qiu, Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu, April 2022

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Twitter, COVID-19, and disability

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, people looked to scientists and other leaders to understand the rate at which the virus spread. Much of this information, however, was not accessible to everyone.

By Stephanie Valencia, Lynn Kirabo, January 2022

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Democratizing AI?

Democratizing AI?

The societal implications of computing are far-reaching. Whether it is building technologies that might save lives in the medical sector, intuitive apps that can transform personal routines at scale, or enterprise systems that ease and enhance the everyday experiences of workers, many are drawn to computing because of its potential to improve the human experience. This article considers the relationship between technology and societal transformation by looking at the topic of accessibility.

By Christine T. Wolf, July 2020

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Play ball

COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Play ball

By Gierad Laput, July 2019

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Computing technologies to increase access to physical activity for people with visual impairments

SECTION: Features

Computing technologies to increase access to physical activity for people with visual impairments

Understanding how to develop technologies that make exercise more accessible to people with visual impairments, particularly in the form of body-based movement and public spaces.

By Kyle Rector, July 2019

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Human to human

By Alex Ahmed, Teresa Almeida, December 2017

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SECTION: Features

Disability-disclosure preferences and practices in online dating communities

Based on a cooperative research project, this article explores the experience of dating online with a disability, contextualized with an overview of the historical connection between disability and asexuality. It concludes with ideas for decoupling this inaccurate association through online dating platforms.

By Cynthia L. Bennett, December 2017

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Fabrication lends a hand: creating custom assistive technology

Fabrication lends a hand: creating custom assistive technology

Lost your hand in a lightsaber fight? No problem, we can fix that. Rapid and consumer-grade fabrication tools could revolutionize the way we design and deliver assistive technologies.

By Erin Buehler, April 2016

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By Joshua B. Gross, December 2005

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Challenges in HCI

By Kibum Kim, December 2005

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HCI Applications for aiding children with mental disorders

By Hossein Mobahi, Karrie G. Karahalios, December 2005

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When news is more than what makes headlines

By Kayre Hylton, Mary Beth Rosson, John Carroll, Craig Ganoe, December 2005

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Human factors in haptic interfaces

By Christopher M. Smith, April 1997

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