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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: Race and ethnicity

Articles & Features

SECTION: Features

Data for Whom, Data from Whom: How Social Movements Might Create Value for Their Community Data Practices

Belief in the power of data-driven decision-making has expanded from corporate environments to include all sectors of society, including social justice efforts. The problem with this newfound trust in "data" is that it can be hard to agree upon what exactly data are, recognize when they are useful, what they are useful for, and whose data should be valued as worthy of informing decisions.

By Tajanae Harris, June 2024

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For Black Femmes, An Animation: Translating Research Into a Creative Inquiry

In this article, I write about the journey of translating academic research into creative inquiry to produce "For Black Femmes," a four-minute animated documentary. This project stemmed from a desire to explore online experiences faced by Black women and femmes, often overlooked by technology companies and researchers. Through storytelling and animation, I aimed to shed light on complex issues such as online harassment and cultural betrayal trauma theory, bridging the gap between academia and broader audiences.

By Tyler Musgrave, June 2024

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COLUMN: User Account

Why Do We Need to Learn about Citational Practices? Recognizing Knowledge Production from the Global Souths and Beyond

How do you decide which papers to cite, how many, and from which particular sources? We reflect and discuss the implications of these critical questions based on our experiences in the panel and workshops on the topic of citational justice that took place at CSCW, CLIHC, and India HCI in 2021.

By Amy Ogan, Frederick van Amstel, Gabriela Molina León, Juan Fernando Maestre, Kristin Williams, Nicola J Bidwell, Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar, Saiph Savage, Sushil Oswal, Vishal Sharma, April 2023

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SECTION: Features

Why you being WEIRD to me?

HCI researchers and practitioners of all backgrounds need to consider the role WEIRD-ness plays in HCI methods, research, and communities and the impact that has on marginalized communities.

By Leslie Coney, July 2022

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Asian-Americans, we must resign from our role as Silicon Valley's model minority mascot

This article interrogates the role of the "model minority" myth in the lives and careers of Asian Americans in tech. The author shares research as well as her own experiences and that of her peers to illuminate the harmful misconceptions and microaggressions that make up daily life. This article is particularly poignant as we mark the conclusion of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the United States.

By Raksha Muthukumar, July 2022

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Decoloniality in computing

This interview explores the relationship between social computing technology and decolonization and the relationship between coloniality and computing research.

By Jordan Taylor, July 2022

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Past, present, and past as present in India's predictive policing

In India, law enforcement's use of big data to thwart crime has instead amplified the discriminatory presence of caste, religion, gender, and other social markers within a system that is supposedly objective and neutral.

By Shivangi Narayan, December 2020

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'Anti-blackness is no glitch'

The conversation around and application of computer science often reinforces neoliberal ideals of what pathways students should take. Computer science education is said to be the great equalizer for marginalized youth. We grapple with how this can never be true in an educational system grounded in anti-Blackness.

By Stephanie T. Jones, Natalie Melo, December 2020

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Human to human

By Alex Ahmed, Teresa Almeida, December 2017

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SECTION: Features

Can we build the cyborg future we all deserve?

Knowing who we represent in HCI helps us understand what is at stake. Intersectionality can help us do better.

By Ari Schlesinger, December 2017

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Leveraging personal experience for academic research and outreach

Use your individuality to build your career path whether it leans toward academia, outreach, or both. The existing underlying threads between your experiences and the pursuit of research problems might surprise you.

By Joslenne Peña, December 2017

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CHI 2016


CHI 2016

What can 1,000 scientists achieve when they invest one hour doing voluntary work?

By Nur Al-huda Hamdan, September 2016

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Decolonising HCI and interaction design discourse: some considerations in planning AfriCHI

SECTION: Features

Decolonising HCI and interaction design discourse: some considerations in planning AfriCHI

Bringing African theorists into the construction of African identity in HCI.

By Nicola J. Bidwell, June 2016

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