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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: Standardization

Articles & Features

Cellular networks

By Lourens O. Walters, P. S. Kritzinger, December 2000

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Mobile IP

By Debalina Ghosh, December 2000

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Service discovery in the future for mobile commerce

By Dipanjan Chakraborty, Harry Chen, December 2000

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Introduction to Linux networking and security

By Wei-Mei Shyr, Brian Borowski, September 1999

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Electronic voting

By Lorrie Faith Cranor, April 1996

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Mutual authenticating protocol with key distribution in client/server environment

The explosive growth of networked and internetworked computer systems during the past decade has brought about a need for increased protection mechanisms. This paper discusses three authentication protocols that incorporate the use of methods that present effective user authentication. The first two protocols have been previously discussed in the literature; the third protocol draws from the first two and others to produce an authentication scheme that provides both mutual authentication and secure key distribution which is easy to use, is compatible with present operating systems, is transparent across systems, and provides password file protection.

By Charles Cavaiani, Jim Alves-Foss, April 1996

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The Fox Project

By Jeremy Buhler, September 1995

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There can be only one

By Vernard Martin, February 1995

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In search of a customizable and uniform user interface

By Bradley M. Kuhn, David W. Binkley, December 1994

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Information superwhichway?

By Craig Pfeifer, September 1994

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