Computer science and sports: The digital evolution of physical competition
By Patrick Carrington, Eliezer Bernart, July 2019
By Patrick Carrington, Eliezer Bernart, July 2019
Running on a treadmill or cycling on an exercise bike are often monotonous and hard-to-keep habits. Comparatively, social relationships in team sports play an important role to motivate participants. What happens when you combine both activities into one virtual environment?
By Luciana Nedel, Rodrigo Moni, Mateus Nunes, July 2019
Have we escaped the hype and death cycles that have plagued the history of virtual reality? In the last few years, as commercial virtual reality headsets and systems have become accessible, content developers, film festivals, and---most intriguing---galleries and museums are dipping their toes in the virtual pool.
By Jas Brooks, January 2019
Virtual Reality hype is becoming a large part of everyday life. This paper explores the components of actual virtual reality systems, critiquing each in terms of human factors. The hardware and software of visual, aural, and haptic input and feedback are considered. Technical and human factor difficulties are discussed and some potential solutions are offered.
By Lynellen D. S. Perry, Christopher M. Smith, Steven Yang, April 1997