Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students

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Association for Computing Machinery

XRDS: Submit an Article

Before submitting an article, be sure to read the Author Guidelines for an explanation of the kinds of articles we are seeking, notes on style and tone, and more information that is pertinent to developing a successful submission.

Submission Process

XRDS uses automated editorial management software in order to handle article invitations and submissions. The following steps will guide you through submission of an article.

  1. Go to our submission site and create an account. Then log in.
  2. Click "Submit New Manuscript" in the "New Submissions" box.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to select the article type, write the title, add authors, classifications and additional comments.
  4. Then, upload your manuscript, author bio and copyright agreement, along with any additional images or figures that you are including with your article.
  5. Click "Build PDF for my approval" to build a PDF from your submission. It may take a few moments for your PDF to build. Please be patient.
  6. Click through to the "Submissions waiting for author's approval" form to examine the PDF that has been built by selecting "View submission" from the "Action" column.
  7. If you are happy with this, click "Approve submission." The article is now submitted to XRDS.

Once we have received your submission, it may take a few weeks before you hear from us. If you article is accepted, we reserve the right to edit it before it is printed in the magazine.