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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: Interaction design process and methods

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SECTION: Features

Remaking Everyday Objects for Physical Computing

We are surrounded by objects that have been designed and made for a wide range of purposes. Alongside the development of specialized electronic devices, we can look to these objects as a functional resource for tangible computing. By deconstructing such everyday objects and uncovering their structures, they become a material that can be remade into new physical interactive systems.

By Clement Zheng, June 2023

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Why digital systems do not reach their full potential in organizations

Why digital systems do not reach their full potential in organizations

The continuous evolution of digital systems shaping the workplace and the optimizing of work processes is revolutionary. But despite decades of accumulated experience, there are still plenty of projects that fail completely or deliver unexpected and unacceptable results. This article discusses why problems with the digitalization of working life persist.

By Bent Sandblad, Thomas Lind, January 2019

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