SECTION: Features
How can solidarity shape technology? We explore the Costa Rican cooperative Sulá Batsú's feminist vision on technology, rooted in a politics of life based on care and solidarity with each other, our communities, and our planet.
By Firuzeh Shokooh Valle, July 2020
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This article reflects on approaches to community making, recounting the experience of a group of activists running two workshops in a prison in Argentina, working from a free software and free culture perspective.
By Carolina D'Amelio, Federico Ternavasio, Martín Morales, July 2020
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While the increasing popularity of autonomous vehicles has garnered critical media attention, less has been written about the field of pedestrian-automated vehicle interactions and its challenges. Current research trends are discussed as well as several areas receiving much less attention, but are still vital to the field.
By Lionel P. Robert, April 2019
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Knowing who's influential can help when planning political campaigns, advertising strategies, or even combating terrorism; and now research into influence detection promises to automate such detection.
By Sara Rosenthal, October 2014
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Accepting the habitual system as an inseparable part of our minds, understanding its limitation and the way it works, may help us to achieve our long-term goals.
By Gidi Nave, September 2013
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The XRDS blog highlights a range of topics from conference overviews to privacy and security, from HCI to cryptography. Selected blog posts, edited for print, will be featured in every issue. Please visit to read each post in its entirety.
By Gidi Nave, Arefin Huq, June 2013
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SECTION: Features
Reflections on the place of qualitative methods in ICTD work.
By Sumitra Nair, December 2012
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Can information presented below the threshold of consciousness be used to provide support to the users of interactive computer systems?
By Ryan Kelly, September 2011
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An associate professor at New York Universitys Stern School of Business uncovers answers about who are the employers in paid crowdsourcing, what tasks they post, and how much they pay.
By Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis, December 2010
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Techniques and devices are being developed to better suit what we think of as the new smallness.
By Patrick Baudisch, Christian Holz, June 2010
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