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Association for Computing Machinery

Articles Tagged: Object oriented languages

Articles & Features

Coraline Ada Ehmke <br /> Promoting richer open source communities

Hands-on introduction to genetic programming

DEPARTMENT: Hello world

Hands-on introduction to genetic programming

By Dmitry Batenkov, September 2010

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Objects objects everywhere

By Todd M. Manion, March 2001

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By Lynellen D. S. Perry, September 1998

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Objective viewpoint: Java AWT layout management 101

This article provides a brief summary of basic layout management in the Java Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) and is intended to serve as a foundation for more sophisticated AWT programming.

By George Crawford, September 1998

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A formative evaluation of scenario-based tools for learning object-oriented design

Advances in computing have awakened a century old teaching philosophy: learner-centered education. This philosophy is founded on the premise that people learn best when engrossed in the topic, participating in activities that motivate learning and help them to synthesize their own understanding. We consider how the object-oriented design (OOD) learning tools developed by Rosson and Carroll [5] facilitate active learning of this sort. We observed sixteen students as they worked through a set of user interaction scenarios about a blackjack game. We discuss how the features of these learning tools influenced the students' efforts to learn the basic constructs of OOD.

By Hope D. Harley, Cheryl D. Seals, Mary Beth Rosson, September 1998

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Objective View Point: an introduction to C++

By Saveen Reddy, G. Bowden Wise, September 1994

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