Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students

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Association for Computing Machinery

Magazine: Spring 2012 | Volume 18, No. 3

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COLUMN: Letter from the editor


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By Chris Harrison

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Tags: Document types




By XRDS Staff

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Tags: Document types, General and reference

The nature and limits of computation

ACM Student Chapters

Public relations for computer science students

Spreading knowledge

What is computation?

SECTION: Features

What is computation?

Our culture is in the process of renegotiating what it thinks computation and computer really mean.

By Ian Horswill

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Tags: Historical people, History of computing theory, Theory of computation

An interview with Robert Soare

An interview with Robert Soare

University of Chicago's Robert Soare, the Paul Snowden Russell Distinguished Service Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, offers his reflections on Alan Turing.

By Arefin Huq

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Tags: Artificial intelligence, Computability, Computer science education, Historical people, History of computing theory, Information science education, Logic, Philosophical/theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence

Invitation to complexity theory

Invitation to complexity theory

Complexity theory provides new viewpoints on various phenomena that were considered by past thinkers.

By Oded Goldreich

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Tags: Complexity classes, Computability, Computational complexity and cryptography, Cryptography, Data encryption, Design and analysis of algorithms, Logic

The tale of the PCP theorem

The tale of the PCP theorem

How the search for the limits of computing led to the discovery of the unexpected power of proofs.

By Dana Moshkovitz

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Tags: Computability, Design and analysis of algorithms, Logic, Numerical analysis

Why now is the right time to study quantum computing

Future of computing

Future of computing

The intersection of biology and computer science is pushing computation beyond its traditional limits---forget algorithms think evolution.

By Dennis Shasha

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Tags: Computer science education, Information science education, Life and medical sciences

Profile Dickie George<br />looking back on 40 years at the NSA

Simulating a Turing machine

Bletchley Park<br />Milton Keynes, UK

Turing's Bombe

A conference to promote undergraduate research in the Arab World

SECTION: Online features


A conference to promote undergraduate research in the Arab World

By Qusay H. Mahmoud, May AlTaei, Leon Jololian

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