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Association for Computing Machinery

Magazine: Summer 2020 | Volume 26, No. 4

COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Unlocking the black box

By Diane Golay

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Tags: General literature, Open source software


Be a new source

By Irene Soria, Martín Bayo, Gunnar Wolf

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Tags: Open source model, Open source software

Democratizing AI?

SECTION: Features

Democratizing AI?

The societal implications of computing are far-reaching. Whether it is building technologies that might save lives in the medical sector, intuitive apps that can transform personal routines at scale, or enterprise systems that ease and enhance the everyday experiences of workers, many are drawn to computing because of its potential to improve the human experience. This article considers the relationship between technology and societal transformation by looking at the topic of accessibility.

By Christine T. Wolf

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Tags: Computing standards, RFCs and guidelines, People with disabilities, Philosophical/theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence

View source

Can developers make communication software more usable for at-risk users they are never likely to meet?

By Mariel García-Montes

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Tags: Human-centered computing, Open source model, Usability in security and privacy


How can the ideals of the open source movement be applied to living, self-replicating organisms? Bioleft explores how to pursue a fair system for conserving, developing, and trading seeds working with public sector breeders and farmers hand in hand.

By Almendra Cremaschi, Patrick van Zwanenberg, Anabel Marin, Marcela Basch, Vanesa Lowenstein

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Tags: Agriculture, Intellectual property, Open source software

"View source"

View source code is a statement about open access to knowledge. Even though you are not able to modify it, or even understand code, it is an invitation to learn and the key for balancing control and power among users and developers. In this article, we explore the potential of software to enable new practices and transform old ones.

By Lila Pagola

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Tags: Computing literacy, Designing software

Libera Tu Radio

Just as corporations manage the media, large companies, such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft, dominate the internet. How can we liberate the digital territory? With this in mind, Red de Radios Comunitarias y Software Libre was born to offer radio stations a free and secure operating system distribution.

By Clara Elena Robayo Valencia

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Tags: Computer and information systems training, Multimedia content creation, Open source software, Sound and music computing

Sulá Batsú

How can solidarity shape technology? We explore the Costa Rican cooperative Sulá Batsú's feminist vision on technology, rooted in a politics of life based on care and solidarity with each other, our communities, and our planet.

By Firuzeh Shokooh Valle

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Tags: Computer supported cooperative work, Informal education, Law, social and behavioral sciences, Women

Community and freedom

This article reflects on approaches to community making, recounting the experience of a group of activists running two workshops in a prison in Argentina, working from a free software and free culture perspective.

By Carolina D'Amelio, Federico Ternavasio, Martín Morales

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Tags: Adult education, Cultural characteristics, Law, social and behavioral sciences

Never again an internet without us

Wikipedia in its content, and as a community, remains highly masculine. Many women worldwide are working to reduce the gender gap. This article narrates one of the strategies that women of Latin America and Spain have been applying during the past five years to make this a reality.

By Carmen Alcázar

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Tags: Wikis, Women

Gender, diversity, and inclusion in open source communities

Hidden social hierarchies keep the doors of open source closed for some. How do we overcome them?

By Mariana Fossatti

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Tags: Licensing, Open source software, Open source software, Women


The source of all good bits

By Jovian Anthony Jaison

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