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Association for Computing Machinery

Magazine: June 2007 | Volume 13, No. 4

Use of motion field warping to generate cardiac images

In this study, we developed an algorithmic method to analyze late contrast-enhanced (CE) magnetic resonance (MR) images, revealing the so-called hibernating myocardium. The algorithm is based on an efficient and robust image registration algorithm. Using our method, we are able to integrate the static late CE MR image with its corresponding cardiac cine MR images, constructing cardiac motion CE MR images, which are referred to as cardiac cine CE MR images. This method appears promising as an improved cardiac viability assessment tool

By Gang Gao, Paul Cockshott

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Tags: Algorithms, Computer vision, Computer vision problems, Design, Image manipulation, Machine learning, Measurement, Motion capture, Motion processing

Modeling object states and behaviors using a state action manager

This design pattern is an extension of the well-known state pattern [2], which allows an object to change its behavior depending on the internal state of the object. The behavior is defined by events, whose transformation to actions depends on the object state. This pattern introduces a way to manage state actions.

By Gunther Palfinger

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Tags: Classes and objects, Design, Runtime environments