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Association for Computing Machinery

Magazine: Summer 2017 | Volume 23, No. 4

Knowledge valorization

COLUMN: Letter from the editors

Knowledge valorization

By Okke Schrijvers

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Tags: Computational thinking, Computing education programs

Startups and entrepreneurship

Flexing DevOps talent in a startup

How to choose a conference

COLUMN: Advice

How to choose a conference

Bigger is not always better when building an academic reputation.

By Andrew J. Hunsucker

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Tags: Social and professional topics

Kean ACM-W: promoting women's participation in CS

Startups: then and now

Asclepius will see you now

Cancer: from biology to computer science


Cancer: from biology to computer science

Cancer research has been at the heart of life sciences for the past few decades. Since genetics play an important role in most cancers, computational methods are crucial in understanding the development of the disease.

By Abdelrahman Hosny

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Tags: Computational biology, Genomics

Positive computing: a novel research field to promote human well-being

Positive computing: a novel research field to promote human well-being

After decades of remarkable leaps and bounds, is technology really helping to increase society's well-being?

By Gustavo Fortes Tondello

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Tags: Consumer health, Human-centered computing

Forests, trees, and false dichotomies

SECTION: Features

Forests, trees, and false dichotomies

As the gap between research and productization continues to narrow, traditional labels may no longer apply.

By Stephen Miller

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Tags: Computing and business, Computing profession, Industry and manufacturing

On entrepreneurship

On entrepreneurship

Joi Ito, director of the MIT Media Lab, shares his ideas about entrepreneurship learning, finding the right people, and navigating failure with grace.

By Jie Qi

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Tags: Computing and business, Computing education programs, Funding, Historical people

Running an alt.business: being a good cause and doing good business

Running an alt.business: being a good cause and doing good business

Hacker, maker, and engineer Limor "Ladyada" Fried shares her insights on open technologies and business models.

By Limor Fried

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Tags: Consumer products, Employment issues, Hardware, Project and people management

Identity: the killer app of crowdfunded open hardware

Identity: the killer app of crowdfunded open hardware

In the next 20 years, the notion of a secure, verifiable identity will drive the adoption of crowdfunded open hardware.

By Joshua Lifton

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Tags: Consumer products, Crowdsourcing, Funding, Security in hardware

Being an open entrepreneur

Being an open entrepreneur

What does it mean to be an entrepreneur making open source hardware? An open entrepreneur has parallels to being an entrepreneur of any company, but there are also advantages that are often overlooked.

By Alicia Gibb, Nathan Seidle

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Tags: Computing and business, Hardware, Intellectual property

Building a business based on the life you want to lead

Building a business based on the life you want to lead

Running a business and living the lifestyle you want can be seen as mutually exclusive. Maintaining the right balance, while meeting the changing goals of both, can be seen as a talent. But shifting focus away from the bottom line can lead to a better outcome, professionally and personally. Two entrepreneurs share their ongoing journey toward mastering this art.

By Chris "Akiba" Wang, Jacinta Plucinski

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Tags: Computing and business, Consumer products, Funding, Industry and manufacturing, Marketing

I, entrepreneur

I, entrepreneur

Five, diverse entrepreneurs from around the world share a common ambition of social good. Here they detail how they entered the world of startups.

By Numair Khan, Alexandru Penu, Thomas Dickerson, Linda Liukas, Cesar Jung-Harada, Sam Bhattacharya

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Tags: Computing and business

Jon Van Caneghem <br /> Designing games for a generation

Innovation Labs: University Politehnica of Bucharest

How startups changed the way we do science

Predictable state containers

DEPARTMENT: Hello world

Predictable state containers

By Teodor Szente

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Tags: Data management systems