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Association for Computing Machinery

Magazine: Winter 2015 | Volume 22, No. 2

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Exploring innovation


Exploring innovation

By XRDS Staff

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Tags: General literature

A new revolution is underway

Addressing academic publishing

Fortifying computing in student societies<br />A focus on outreach initiatives.

The timeline of things

Women who paved the way for IoT<br />A teacher finds her voice

Energy and IOT<br />An engineer's perspective



Why "celebrate women in computing"?

The XRDS blog highlights a range of topics from conference coverage, to security and privacy, to CS theory. Selected blog posts, edited for print, are featured in every issue. Please visit xrds.acm.org/blog to read each post in its entirety. If you are interested in joining as a student blogger, please contact us.

By Nur Al-huda Hamdan

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Tags: Computer science education, Computing organizations, Gender, Industry statistics


The internet of things… of all things

FEATURE: Features

The internet of things… of all things

A spendthrift refrigerator, a garrulous cellphone, and a loafing automobile, there's a new technology in town everyone's talking about.

By George Hurlburt

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Tags: Applied computing, Sensor devices and platforms, Sensor networks, Ubiquitous computing, Wireless integrated network sensors

Prospects for the internet of things

Prospects for the internet of things

The future of the Internet of Things may rely on our ability to tackle issues of safety, security, and privacy, while creating standardized systems that are easy to use and configure.

By Vinton G. Cerf

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Tags: Computing standards, RFCs and guidelines, Network security, Security in hardware, Software and application security, Software configuration management and version control systems, Wireless devices, Wireless integrated network sensors

The genie in the machines

The genie in the machines

The ultimate goal of the Internet of Things and wearable revolution is to gift every person with their own magic genie, who will understand all of their needs and desires and thereby enrich the world around them.

By Jonathan Caras

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Tags: Embedded and cyber-physical systems, Human computer interaction (HCI), Personal digital assistants, Personalization, Smartphones, Wireless integrated network sensors

Global synchronization and the challenges of building network awareness

Global synchronization and the challenges of building network awareness

The Internet of Things places new demands on wireless networks that cannot be met with conventional infrastructure, services, and protocols. But there is hope, specifically a new paradigm to enable wireless awareness through global synchronization.

By Alyssa B. Apsel, Enkhbayasgalan Gantsog

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Tags: Global positioning systems, Network protocols, Peer-to-peer networks, Radio frequency and wireless interconnect, Ubiquitous computing

Trends in internet of things platforms

Querying flying robots and other things

Toward computing over encrypted data in IoT systems

Toward computing over encrypted data in IoT systems

The multitude of IoT devices contributes to the enormous amount of data stored on corporate clouds. Yet the level of computing power has outpaced advances in privacy protection. Could encrypted search preserve the privacy of data, while utilizing the computing power of the cloud?

By Hossein Shafagh

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Tags: Cloud based storage, Cryptography, Database query processing, Management and querying of encrypted data, Network security

The ambient intelligence course at Politecnico di Torino

The ambient intelligence course at Politecnico di Torino

At Italy's oldest technical university, students learn about IoT concepts and technologies by building end-to-end prototypical systems.

By Luigi De Russis

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Tags: Ambient intelligence, Computing education programs, Emerging technologies, Real-time systems, Ubiquitous and mobile devices, Ubiquitous computing

Panasonic and the OpenDOF project

Panasonic and the OpenDOF project

Is the decision to go open-source always purely altruistic? Not for many large companies, and that is not a bad thing.

By Bryant Eastham

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Tags: Business-IT alignment, Collaboration in software development, Computing industry, Consumer products, Open source software

Toward a web of systems


Toward a web of systems

Web and semantic technologies will form the foundation for ecosystems of machines that interact with each other and with people as never before.

By Florian Michahelles, Simon Mayer

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Tags: Data streams, Database query processing, Health care information systems, Industry and manufacturing, Machine learning, Semantic web description languages, Smart grid

Profile: Matthew Pryor<br />Using tech to manage droughts, from Australia to California

SWARM joint open lab Politecnico Di Torino, Italy

IP addresses


IP addresses

By Finn Kuusisto

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Tags: Network protocols, Public Internet

According to sensor 22, Benny is preparing dinner