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Association for Computing Machinery

Magazine: Winter 2017 | Volume 24, No. 2

SECTION: Features

Can we build the cyborg future we all deserve?

Knowing who we represent in HCI helps us understand what is at stake. Intersectionality can help us do better.

By Ari Schlesinger

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Tags: Digital libraries and archives, Gender, Human computer interaction (HCI), Race and ethnicity

Digital and physical barriers to changing identities

Social media sites often erect barriers to changing identities online, which can be similar to physical world barriers faced by marginalized groups. How can social media be designed to enable rather than constrain life changes?

By Oliver L. Haimson

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Tags: Gender, Social media, Social networking sites

Disability-disclosure preferences and practices in online dating communities

Based on a cooperative research project, this article explores the experience of dating online with a disability, contextualized with an overview of the historical connection between disability and asexuality. It concludes with ideas for decoupling this inaccurate association through online dating platforms.

By Cynthia L. Bennett

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Tags: Computer supported cooperative work, HCI design and evaluation methods, People with disabilities

Leveraging personal experience for academic research and outreach

Use your individuality to build your career path whether it leans toward academia, outreach, or both. The existing underlying threads between your experiences and the pursuit of research problems might surprise you.

By Joslenne Peña

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Tags: Computing education programs, Computing literacy, K-12 education, Race and ethnicity

Gender and the art of community relations

Aspects of one's personal identity can change the way you experience being part of a community, especially if you are in a minority group. The author reports on her experiences of conducting research with women who participate in the Debian Linux project.

By Lesley Mitchell

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Tags: Collaboration in software development, Open source software, Women

Reflecting on robots, love, and poetry

Finding the poetry in programming and the algorithms in poems

By Margaret Rhee

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Tags: Cognitive robotics, Fine arts, Human-centered computing


"We had tough times, but we've sort of sewn our way through it: the partnership quilt

Using capacitive touch sensors and traditional quilting techniques lead to the collision of seemingly disparate worlds and resulted in the creation of the Partnership Quilt, a living archive of voices in the shape of an interactive piece of craftwork.

By Angelika Strohmayer, Janis Meissner

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Tags: Computing / technology policy, Human-centered computing, Interaction devices

SECTION: Profile

Sara Mauskopf
Innovative thinking in the service of parents

Sara Mauskopf lives in Silicon Valley, and is the CEO and co-founder of Winnie, an app with the mission to make parents' lives easier through technology.

By Adrian Scoică

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Tags: Children, Collaborative and social computing systems and tools, Computing occupations, Web searching and information discovery


Equality through digital technology

Dedicated to Alan Mathison Turing (1912--1954), a pioneer of computer science

By Vasileios Kalantzis

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Tags: Historical people, Sexual orientation

DEPARTMENT: Hello world

Identifying hate speech in social media

By Alexandra Schofield, Thomas Davidson

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Tags: Functional languages, Hate speech